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wiki:weltbild [2025/02/23 11:17] – [Weltbild] norbertwiki:weltbild [2025/03/12 04:34] (aktuell) – [Raumvorstellungen] norbert
Zeile 49: Zeile 49:
   * ''Marchal'', G. P. (Hg.) \\ //[[wiki:grenze|Grenzen]] und [[wiki:zwischenraum|Raumvorstellungen]]// \\ Zürich: Chronos 1996   * ''Marchal'', G. P. (Hg.) \\ //[[wiki:grenze|Grenzen]] und [[wiki:zwischenraum|Raumvorstellungen]]// \\ Zürich: Chronos 1996
   * ''Makropoulos'', M.: \\ //[[wiki:grenze|Grenze]] und Horizont. Zwei soziale Abschlußparadigmen// \\ In: Honegger/Hradil/Traxler (Hg.) 1999, 387 - 396   * ''Makropoulos'', M.: \\ //[[wiki:grenze|Grenze]] und Horizont. Zwei soziale Abschlußparadigmen// \\ In: Honegger/Hradil/Traxler (Hg.) 1999, 387 - 396
-  * ''Kurt A. Raaflaub'', ''Richard J. A. Talbert''\\ //Geography and [[wiki:voelkerkunde|Ethnography]]: [[wiki:wahrnehmung|Perceptions]] of the [[wiki:welt|World]] in Pre-Modern Societies.//\\ West Sussex; Malden, Mass. 2009: John Wiley & Sons, Inhalt u.a.:+  * ''Kurt A. Raaflaub'', ''Richard J. A. Talbert''\\ //Geography and [[wiki:voelkerkunde|Ethnography]]: [[wiki:wahrnehmung|Perceptions]] of the [[wiki:welt|World]] in Pre-Modern Societies.//\\ XV, 357 S. West Sussex; Malden, Mass. 2009: John Wiley & Sons, DOI:10.1002/9781444315653, Inhalt u.a.:
     * Christopher Minkowski\\ Where the black antelope roam: dharma and human geography in India     * Christopher Minkowski\\ Where the black antelope roam: dharma and human geography in India
     * Kim Plofker \\ Humans, demons, [[wiki:reisegoetter|gods]] and their worlds: the sacred and scientific cosmologies of India     * Kim Plofker \\ Humans, demons, [[wiki:reisegoetter|gods]] and their worlds: the sacred and scientific cosmologies of India
Zeile 58: Zeile 58:
     * Barbara E. Mundy \\ Aztec geography and [[wiki:zwischenraum|spatial]] imagination     * Barbara E. Mundy \\ Aztec geography and [[wiki:zwischenraum|spatial]] imagination
     * Catherine Julien\\ Inca worldview     * Catherine Julien\\ Inca worldview
-    * Piotr Michalowski\\ Masters of the four corners of the heavens.\\ Views of the universe in early Mesopotamian writings+    * Piotr Michalowski\\ Masters of the [[wiki:orientierung|four corners of the heavens]].\\ Views of the universe in early Mesopotamian writings
     * Gerald Moers \\ The [[wiki:welt|world]] and the geography of [[wiki:fremdes|otherness]] in Pharaonic Egypt     * Gerald Moers \\ The [[wiki:welt|world]] and the geography of [[wiki:fremdes|otherness]] in Pharaonic Egypt
-    * James M. Scott \\ On [[wiki:erde|earth]] as in heaven: the apocalyptic vision of [[wiki:welt|world]] geography from Urzeit to Endzeit according to the Book of Jubilees +    * James M. Scott \\ On [[wiki:erde|earth]] as in heaven: the [[wiki:jenseitsreisen|apocalyptic]] vision of [[wiki:welt|world]] geography from Urzeit to Endzeit according to the Book of Jubilees 
-    * Susan Guettel Cole\\ 'I know the number of the sand and the measure of the sea': Geography and difference in the early Greek world+    * Susan Guettel Cole\\ 'I know the number of the sand and the [[wiki:messen|measure]] of the [[wiki:gewaesser|sea]]': Geography and difference in the early Greek world
     * James Romm\\ [[wiki:kontinente|Continents]], [[wiki:klima|climates]], and cultures: Greek theories of global structure     * James Romm\\ [[wiki:kontinente|Continents]], [[wiki:klima|climates]], and cultures: Greek theories of global structure
     * Daniela Dueck\\ The geographical narrative of ''Strabo of Amasia''     * Daniela Dueck\\ The geographical narrative of ''Strabo of Amasia''
-    * Richard J.A. Talbert\\ The Roman worldview: beyond recovery? +    * Richard J.A. Talbert\\ The Roman worldview: beyond [[wiki:erforscher|recovery]]
-    * Adam J. Silverstein\\ The [[wiki:reisegenerationen#Der Blick zurück: Das Mittelalter als Epoche|Medieval] Islamic worldview: Arabic geography in its historical context +    * Adam J. Silverstein\\ The [[wiki:reisegenerationen#Das Mittelalter als Epoche|Medieval]] Islamic worldview: Arabic geography in its historical context 
-    * Emilie Savage-Smith\\ The Book of curiosities: an [[wiki:reisegenerationen#Seit dem 11. Jahrhundert|eleventh-century]] Egyptian view of the lands of the infidels\\+    * Emilie Savage-Smith\\ The Book of [[wiki:neugier|curiosities]]: an [[wiki:reisegenerationen#Seit dem 11. Jahrhundert|eleventh-century]] Egyptian view of the lands of the infidels\\
     * Natalia Lozovsky\\ Geography and [[wiki:voelkerkunde|ethnography]] in medieval [[wiki:europa|Europe]]: classical traditions and contemporary concerns     * Natalia Lozovsky\\ Geography and [[wiki:voelkerkunde|ethnography]] in medieval [[wiki:europa|Europe]]: classical traditions and contemporary concerns
     * David Buisseret\\ [[wiki:europa|Europeans]] plot the wider [[wiki:welt|world]], 1500-1750     * David Buisseret\\ [[wiki:europa|Europeans]] plot the wider [[wiki:welt|world]], 1500-1750
wiki/weltbild.1740309439.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2025/02/23 11:17 von norbert

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